
With AFSTYLA, You May Dose Twice Weekly

Enhanced half-life extends time to 1% factor level

The 14.2-hour half-life of AFSTYLA allows the flexibility of dosing 2 or 3 times a week, depending on your needs.

  • In patients ≥12 years, median time to trough levels of 1% total Factor VIII activity has been estimated to be between 4 and 5 days, depending on dose and extrapolation method.1
  • The half-life of AFSTYLA in children younger than 12 years was 10.3 hours

Half-life measures how long it takes for the activity level of infused factor to drop by 50%. A longer half-life means that the drug is active in your body for a longer time.

Factor VIII activity chart

Dosing AFSTYLA twice weekly helped Jonathan & his dad

"One less infusion means a world of difference to a parent."*

–Hector, Father of Jonathan

*Speaker's personal experience. Individual results may vary.

AFSTYLA dosing

The recommended dosing range for routine prophylaxis is:

  • 20–50 IU/kg of AFSTYLA for adults and adolescents (≥12 years)
  • 30–50 IU/kg of AFSTYLA for children (<12 years)

In clinical trials, the median dose was:

  • 2 times a week
    • 35 IU/kg for people of all ages
  • 3 times a week
    • 30 IU/kg for people ≥12 years
    • 32 IU/kg for people <12 years

FDA approved for dosing 2 times a week and 3 times a week

Proven protection with a low average dose

Low doses may mean less volume per dose and less time for each infusion.

purple connector

Simplified storage and administration

You can store AFSTYLA at room temperature for up to 3 months (not to exceed 77°F)
You can also store AFSTYLA in the refrigerator (36°F to 46°F) up to the expiration date. Once stored at room temperature, do not return the product to the refrigerator.
Reconstituting AFSTYLA is fast and simple
AFSTYLA uses the Mix2Vial® needle-free reconstitution and transfer system.

Learn about the innovative Mix2Vial® reconstitution and transfer system

Mix2Vial® is a registered trademark of West Pharma. Services IL, Ltd., a subsidiary of West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.

Thinking about a switch in therapy?

Here are some
things to consider

Reference: 1. Data on file. Available from CSL Behring as DOF AFS-001.

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