ZERO Spontaneous bleeds (median AsBR)
ZERO Annualized bleeds (median ABR)
ZERO Joint bleeds (median AjBR)
*FDA approved for dosing 2 to 3 times a week.
"When it comes to my job, that could mean somebody's life."†
–Cody switched to AFSTYLA
†Speaker's personal experience. Individual results may vary.
In clinical trials, the majority of bleeds successfully resolved with 1 infusion
In the remaining 6% of participants over 12 years old, bleeds were controlled with 3 or more infusions. In children under 12 years old, 4% of bleeds were controlled with 3 or more infusions. One child had no response.
With AFSTYLA, surgical bleeding control was rated "excellent" in 15 surgeries and "good" in 1 surgery.